We're Moving!


We're Moving!

We're moving into the new 1909 facility with the Palm Beach Tech community.

After three years, it's time to say goodbye to Quantum Business Park, and join our friends up north.

With the 1909 collaboration space now open, it makes more sense for us to work in a creative space surrounded by peers in the fastest growing tech community in the country. It's a community we enjoy our membership in, so the move feels natural.

From 1909:

Palm Beach County was founded on April 30th, 1909...and now is the time to be the founder of something great. Of a new business…or art project... or social initiative…or way of life for yourself or your community. Presenting 1909...the non-profit dedicated to Palm Beach County’s exponential growth in startup businesses, the creative industries and our own cultural significance. Whatever you want to start… now is the time, and we are here to help you turn your ideas into reality. We offer a community space for creation and collaboration; a mentorship platform to connect you with advisors and expanders; a startup accelerator open to any and all industries; and a series of community gatherings for art, technology, wellness, and music innovators.

Can't wait to see you there!